Best Paid Docs Not Sure They Would Do It Again
Orthopedists are the highest paid doctors, earning an average $413,000 annually. Those specializing in the treatment of AIDS and HIV are the lowest paid at an average of $174,000. Male doctors earn...
View ArticleHealthcare Workers Restless As Hiring Demand Grows
Glassdoor has some sobering statistics for healthcare employers: 75% of workers say salary and comp is the primary driver for them to look for a new job; 42% say their relationship with their boss is...
View ArticleInteractive Jobs Charts Shows Employment Trends Since 2004
The New York Times has published an addicting, interactive online series of charts graphically depicting the changes in occupations and jobs in the U.S. over the last decade. Assembled from data...
View ArticleResources for Healthcare Tech Professionals
Tech professionals working in healthcare not only face all the same challenges their brethren in other industries do, but they also must cope with a dizzying variety of regulations and rules from...
View ArticleVirtual Reality Is the Newest Tool In Physical Therapy
Virtual reality, once the domain of goggle-wearing teenage video game warriors, is fast becoming a tool of physical therapists, who, appropriately enough, are using it in the rehabilitation of injured...
View ArticleNurse Practitioners Seeking Broader VA Role
After years of quietly prodding states to allow advanced practice registered nurses to provide the full range of services consistent with their training, a groundswell is building to broaden their role...
View ArticleMost Medical Device Makers Added Workers in 2013
Medtech employment remained steady in 2013 with most medical device makers experiencing an increase in their workforce according to a new jobs report from EvaluateMedTech. With more hiring than firing...
View ArticleDSM-5 Survey: Less Than Half Use It, But They Like It
A year after the latest and most controversial edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders was released, a majority of clinicians have yet to incorporate the DSM-5 into their...
View ArticleMany Medical Tests Done For the Lawyers, Not the Patients
Occurring more frequently than even they realize, doctors order tests and medical procedures largely to protect themselves against potential lawsuits and to insulate themselves from liability. A study...
View ArticleSurvey: Antibiotic Overprescribing Is Common
A WebMD/Medscape survey of doctors, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants found only 5% insisting they never prescribed antibiotics unless they are absolutely certain of the necessity. What...
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